Elementary Classes

An affordable, easy-to-access elementary school option for students around the globe.

Individual or with parent

Online or print

Skills-based and FUN

Click on your child’s grade level to see the scope and sequence for each course.

We have a rolling enrollment program and resources to allow your child to work on your schedule to learn U.S. History with fun and engaging activities.

2024-2025 SW Schedule by Grade

How much time per week?

If you just do the activities online, it should take about 30 minutes. If you do all the activities and go through the questions, it could take up to an hour. The online sessions will be 30 minutes to an hour with one hour scheduled.


Anytime throughout the week. The classes will be asynchronous. Sign up will be continuous although our meetups will focus on activities in sequence with students starting in September.

How much is it?

For $199 per course, per year you will receive a weekly video summary and activity in addition to online and print versions of the material provided via Studies Weekly.

Sign up for an info session