Why are you providing this for free?
In our second year using Studies Weekly, I decided to change the model based on feedback from last year. Parents wanted more interaction and ‘live’ classes. This year we are going to offer 15-17 live lessons/activities for students in different time zone bands bimonthly. In order to do this, we are offering the online content for free with the option to purchase the print version, access of the blueprints, grading, and live classes for a reasonable price. For most families, this will be reimbursable through the supplemental instructional allowance.
Is there a catch?
No. I’m also going to provide you with a lesson blueprint, extra materials, and a chance to show off your work with other students in your class.
Why shouldn’t I just sign up myself?
Well, you can if you want. Instead, let U.S. History for Expats do the heavy lifting. We’ll put together a blueprint for the week, sort through the 20-30 pages of lesson plans so you can spend more time with your child learning U.S. history rather than trying to figure out what to do. Also, with us your child will have a chance to meet-up with other students from different posts.
How much time per week?
If you just do the activities online, it should take about 30 minutes. If you do all the activities and go through the questions, it could take up to an hour. The online sessions will be 30 minutes to an hour with one hour scheduled.
Anytime throughout the week. The classes will be asynchronous. Sign up will be continuous although our meetups will focus on activities in sequence with students starting in September.
How much is it?
We have three options. For $599, we will provide the print, online, and live classes as well as parent blueprints, emails, and the chance to meet regularly with other students at other posts.
You can also choose the online version for free and opt in to buy the print version for $29. Please note these options only provide access to the course material.